- 1. A political and economic system, based on landholding and protective alliances.
- 3. Germanic people who hold power in Gaul.(France and Switzerland)
- 5. What tribe came from Hungary and sold captives as slaves?
- 7. The system of rigid class distinctions and responsibilities?
- 10. How many years did the 100 years war last?
- 12. Why was there widespread fear and chaos?
- 13. How old did you have to be to become a squire?
- 14. Who becomes pope in 590.
- 15. Spreads large scale baptisms, and missionaries.
- 17. War like, uses the sea.
- 18. Inherits Frankish kingdoms from his father Pepin in 768.
- 19. How old did you have to be to become a page?
- 2. Where were the vikings from?
- 4. Ruler of the franks, converted to christianity in 496.
- 5. What tribe invaded from the south, and attempted not only to conquer but also plunder?
- 6. What was the new code of conduct for the nights?
- 8. Who reached North America 500 years before Columbus?
- 9. How old did you have to be to become a night?
- 11. Churchly Kingdom.
- 16. Held together by family ties and loyalty ,not government.