Middle Ages Crossword

  1. 1. The 16th-century movement leading to the establishment of Protestant churches and changes in the Roman Catholic Church.
  2. 3. A poet or musician who wrote and performed songs of chivalry and courtly love.
  3. 5. A branch of Christianity based on Martin Luther's teachings, emphasizing justification by faith.
  4. 6. The Pope's power and jurisdiction over the Catholic Church.
  5. 7. A building or complex where monks live and work.
  6. 8. A person who received protection and land from a lord in exchange for loyalty and service.
  7. 15. A series of military expeditions by Christians to recover the Holy Land from Muslim rule.
  8. 16. A large, important church, often the seat of a bishop.
  9. 18. A warrior of noble birth who served a lord in military capacity.
  10. 22. The belief that God has already decided who will be saved and who will not.
  11. 25. An agreement between lords and vassals, where vassals pledged service and loyalty to the lord.
  12. 27. A devastating global epidemic of bubonic plague that struck Europe and Asia in the mid-14th century.
  13. 28. Certificates sold by the Catholic Church, supposedly reducing punishment for sins.
  14. 29. An economic system structured around a lord's manor, including the peasants who work the land.
  15. 30. A key Reformation figure known for his influential role in the development of Calvinism.
  1. 2. A system of government and society based on land ownership and personal loyalty.
  2. 4. A Christian faith and practice that originated from the Reformation, distinct from Catholicism.
  3. 9. The condition of peasants who were legally bound to live and work on a lord's land.
  4. 10. A book or document written by hand, particularly during the Middle Ages.
  5. 11. An association of artisans or merchants who control the practice of their craft in a particular town.
  6. 12. The code of conduct that knights were supposed to follow, emphasizing bravery, honor, and respect for women and the weak.
  7. 13. A list of propositions by Martin Luther challenging Church practices, notably the sale of indulgences.
  8. 14. A member of the lower class who farmed or worked the land for a lord.
  9. 17. Beliefs or opinions that deviate from established religious teachings, especially in the context of Christianity.
  10. 19. A group of institutions within the Catholic Church tasked with combating heresy.
  11. 20. Land granted by a lord to a vassal in exchange for military service and loyalty.
  12. 21. A German theologian who sparked the Reformation with his critiques of the Catholic Church.
  13. 23. Another term for the Black Death, characterized by swollen lymph nodes.
  14. 24. A method of study based on logic and dialectic that dominated medieval schools.
  15. 26. A Protestant theological system from John Calvin, focusing on God's sovereignty and predestination.