Middle Ages Crossword ESL #2

  1. 1. economic system of the Middle Ages that was built around large estates or manors where serfs worked and got protection
  2. 3. exclusion from the Roman Catholic Church as a penalty for refusing to obey Church law
  3. 5. a church court set up to try people accused of heresy
  4. 7. exchange of pledges between lords and vassals
  5. 8. loosely organized system of government in which local lords governed their own lands but owed military service to a greater lord
  6. 12. an epidemic of the bubonic plague that ravaged Europe
  7. 15. mounted warrior
  8. 16. claim that the medieval pope had authority over all secular rulers
  9. 17. a lord who was granted a fief in exchange for service and loyalty to a greater lord
  1. 2. the European Christians driving the Muslims from Spain
  2. 4. referring to the Middle Ages in European
  3. 6. wandering poets or singers
  4. 8. estate or land granted by a lord to a vassal in exchange for loyalty and military service or knights
  5. 9. the Great Charter signed by King John of England; it limited royal power
  6. 10. peasant bound to the lord's land
  7. 11. code of conduct for knights
  8. 13. six foot long bow that could rapidly fire arrows with enough force to pierce armor
  9. 14. Scandinavian people whose sailors raided Europe