Middle Ages Project Seventh

  1. 2. Having or showing compassion.
  2. 5. Overhanging holes in a castle; also known as a murderhole.
  3. 6. Place where people were punished.
  4. 11. The commanders of the knights.
  5. 12. Head of a monastery.
  6. 13. Peasants bound to the land.
  7. 15. Special ceremonies receiving God’s grace.
  8. 18. Converted to Christianity after winning a battle.
  9. 19. System where Christians withdraw to live a holy life.
  10. 21. Defeated the Spanish Moors
  11. 23. Church law
  12. 24. The political and military system that developed in the absence of a strong central government.
  13. 25. The grant of land in the system of feudalism.
  14. 26. Another title for the Middle Ages
  15. 28. He created the Holy Roman Empire and appreciated education.
  16. 29. One of the items it was necessary to get from outside of the manor.
  17. 30. The title given to the owner of a manor.
  18. 31. One of the items it was necessary to get from outside of the manor.
  19. 32. Type of pain containing tiny glass particles.
  20. 34. After paying homage to the lord, the holder of the land giving service to the lord.
  21. 35. Defense against attacks.
  1. 1. Cause someone to be useless in fighting.
  2. 3. An external arched support for the wall of a church or other building.
  3. 4. A woman that would give herbs and incantations to sick people.
  4. 7. A person of high birth, rank and title who typically owned land.
  5. 8. A mounted soldier in armor who served royalty or a lord
  6. 9. An herb that was used for stomach pains in the Dark Ages.
  7. 10. The battle where Charles the Hammer defeated the Spanish Moors
  8. 13. Able to produce all that is necessary to survive.
  9. 14. A system where the eldest son inherits the land.
  10. 16. The house and all the land that surrounds it during the Middle Ages.
  11. 17. Time period between the fall of the Roman Empire and the Modern period from 500 – 1500 CE
  12. 20. Very brave.
  13. 22. Metal coverings used to protect the body in battle.
  14. 27. This refers to the slits in the castle wall.
  15. 28. Soldiers on horseback.
  16. 33. The Church tax equated to 10% of your income.