Middle ages Vocabulary

  1. 3. Peasant who worked on the land of the lord.
  2. 6. King of the Franks from 768, King of the Lombards from 774 and Emperor of the Romans from 800. He united much of Europe during the early middle ages.
  3. 8. An empire founded in 1526 and divided in 1857.
  4. 10. A region that included Jerusalem and other places.
  5. 13. Rising prices of goods
  6. 15. English king who fought Saladin in the third crusade.
  7. 16. Beliefs which were declared to be anathema by any of the economical councils recognized by the catholic church.
  1. 1. Person receiving a fief from a lord.
  2. 2. A series of religious wars sanctioned by the latin church in the medieval times.
  3. 4. System in which all legal and economic power belonged to the the lord of the manor during medieval Europe times.
  4. 5. An estate granted to a vassal by a land lord under the feudal system in medieval Europe.
  5. 7. Great Charter, which guaranteed certain basic political rights.
  6. 9. Formal declaration that someone is no longer a member of the church.
  7. 11. An empire founded in 1299 and divided in 1922, early turkey.
  8. 12. A warrior on horseback who promised to defend his lord's land in exchange for a fief.
  9. 14. System which a peasant or worker know as vassal received a piece of land in return for serving the lord or king.