Middle Childhood Development

  1. 3. Height ______ 2-3” per year
  2. 4. Girls start ______ before boys
  3. 6. Vocabulary begins to ______
  4. 8. Reaches the cognitive developmental stage of _______ operational
  5. 9. Both boys and girls get growth ______ during middle childhood
  6. 11. Sexual ______ begins at age 10-12
  1. 1. Girls start their period at 12-13 years old this is also known as _______
  2. 2. Body movements become more _______
  3. 3. Boys and girls start to detach from family/parents and become more _______
  4. 5. Muscles become ______ and stronger
  5. 7. Attention _____ increases
  6. 10. Children start to develop ______ skills