Middle Ear Anatomy

  1. 2. Don’t mix this up with a winter time sighting. The ______ transmit sound waves from the outer to the inner ear.
  2. 8. This muscle pulls the ossicular chain anteriorly.
  3. 10. This muscle opens the eustachian tube.
  4. 11. No fibers are found in this part of the tympanic membrane.
  5. 13. This part of the tympanic membrane vibrates more than the other portion.
  6. 15. The middle ear is located within this bone.
  7. 16. Sound vibration is ______ in the middle ear.
  8. 18. This is the middle bone in the ossicular chain.
  9. 20. This window bounds the interior of the middle ear.
  10. 21. This hollow structure houses the stapedius muscle.
  1. 1. On the stapes, the ___________ crus is longer and wider.
  2. 3. The smallest bone in the human body.
  3. 4. Don’t hit this drum too hard! This is the external border of the middle ear.
  4. 5. This bulb pushes on the inferior wall of the middle ear space.
  5. 6. This membrane sits at a 55 degree angle as compared to the ear canal.
  6. 7. The ______ of the stapes is composed of two parts.
  7. 9. This tube is more horizontal in children than in adults.
  8. 12. This bone’s handle is embedded in the tympanic membrane.
  9. 14. On the staples, the ________ crus is shorter and thinner.
  10. 17. The _____ artery runs inferior to the eustachian tube and must be heeded during aural surgery.
  11. 19. This knob can be seen on the tympanic membrane during an otoscopic examination.