middle east-Katherine Foreman

  1. 3. ,What is this ______ like
  2. 4. , climate in the middle east is mostly _______
  3. 8. ,The most dominate language in the middle east
  4. 10. ,solar,hydro power, and geothermal are all _______ energy
  5. 11. ,land lock salt lake between Israel and _______
  6. 12. ,Tropical grasslands,desert scrub,temperate grasslands
  7. 14. ,commercial farming and subsistence farming are all __________ resources
  1. 1. ,rivers, streams,lakes, ponds are fed by ______
  2. 2. ,plains, plateaus and mountains
  3. 5. ,watering of farmland with water drawn from reservoirs or rivers
  4. 6. ,Oceans,seas, gulf of water
  5. 7. ,the dead seas water level drops about ____ feet per year
  6. 9. ,oil, coal, and nuclear are all ________ energy
  7. 13. ,The lowest point on Earth