Middle East Review

  1. 4. this type of water is needed for drinking and farming
  2. 5. process of getting water from the rivers/lakes to the fields
  3. 6. belief in many gods
  4. 11. Islamic holy building
  5. 12. Jewish day of worship
  6. 15. Christian day of worship
  7. 16. this type of water is not used for drinking or farming
  8. 18. person who reads and writes in ancient time- keeps records for the ruler
  9. 21. Islamic day of worship
  10. 23. leader of Mesopotamia who created the first set of written laws- many were harsh
  11. 24. Jews only follow the Old Testament of this holy book
  12. 25. Christians follow the Old and New Testament of this holy book
  1. 1. people who follow the Islamic religion are called this
  2. 2. people who follow Christianity are called this
  3. 3. religious practice where you focus your attention on your god instead of eating
  4. 4. ground is good for growing crops
  5. 7. The other river that is important to Mesopotamia
  6. 8. Christian holy building
  7. 9. Islamic holy book
  8. 10. people who follow the Jewish religion are called this
  9. 13. another name for farming
  10. 14. ancient Mesopotamian form of writing
  11. 17. belief in only 1 god
  12. 19. One of the rivers important to Mesopotamia
  13. 20. Jewish holy building
  14. 22. ALL ancient civilizations looked for a fresh form of this to settle by