Middle School

  1. 3. you can take these string instrument lessons
  2. 4. you need to fill this out to go to the bathroom or leave the room
  3. 6. you must change for this class and you go every other day
  4. 7. there are many of these that you can join after school
  5. 9. enjoy this between elementary school and middle school, you may even have a vacation planned for this time that you are out of school
  6. 11. this time is 8:00 am in the morning
  7. 13. how the fifth grade teachers feel about you coming to middle school
  1. 1. you have more than one teacher on your _______.
  2. 2. the 3 numbers you put in to open your locker
  3. 5. this starts at 2:45 and there are 2 bus line ups
  4. 7. you bring this back and forth to school daily and must charge it every day
  5. 8. a club that you can join where you can sing, act and be part of the stage crew
  6. 10. the bus that picks you up if you stay after school
  7. 12. where you put your stuff during the day