Midsummer Night's Dream

  1. 4. At the start and end of the play, Lysander loves
  2. 6. Puck uses the juice of a magic -
  3. 7. Who transformed bottom's head into a donkey's head?
  4. 8. What are the mechanicals rehearsing?
  5. 9. Pyramus and Thisbe talked through a hole in a -
  6. 10. Egeus asks Theseus to force Hermia to either marry Demetrius or have her -
  7. 13. The Shakespearean way to say 'you'
  8. 14. Who does the magic juice cause Lysander and Demetrius to fall in love with?
  9. 16. Who does the magic juice cause Titania to fall in love with?
  10. 17. Shakespeare's theatre was called 'The - Theatre'
  11. 18. Who is Hermia's father?
  1. 1. What does Helena compare herself to when Demetrius accuses her of following him around?
  2. 2. Helena thinks Lysander, Demetrius, and Hermia are playing a mean -
  3. 3. Who does Helena love?
  4. 4. Who is Theseus planning to marry?
  5. 5. Puck thinks the lovers' fights are -?
  6. 11. at the end, the lovers all think the confusion was just a - .
  7. 12. The magic juice causes a person to fall madly in - with the first person they see
  8. 15. The magic juice should be placed on a person's -