Midsummer Night's Dream

  1. 2. The character who is called a "painted maypole"
  2. 3. In order to solve some of their play's problems, the artisans decide to write this
  3. 6. Titania compares Bottom's voice to this.
  4. 7. educated humor
  5. 10. a structured rhyme where 10 syllables are alternately stressed and unstressed
  6. 11. Puck calls the mortals this after he messes with their worlds
  7. 12. At the end of Act 3 Helena, Hermia, Lysander, and Demetrius are all
  8. 13. when an actor is alone on the stage and speaks his/her thoughts and feelings
  9. 14. To demonstrate that he is not afraid, Bottom does this so the artisans hear him
  1. 1. The "weapons" that Hermia threatens to use against Helena
  2. 4. when the actors speak directly to the audience
  3. 5. Says, "I would buy my father looked buy with my eyes."
  4. 8. Hermia accuses Demetrius of doing this to Lysander
  5. 9. Calls Helena "goddess, nymph, perfect, divine..."