Migrating Animal Facts

  1. 2. Snowy owls migration depends heavily on _____ availability.
  2. 4. Monarch lay their eggs here
  3. 5. Monarchs are known to migrate here in winter
  4. 7. The second stage in a Monarch's life cycle
  5. 8. Red Tailed ____ is considered a partial migrant.
  6. 10. Red Tails migrate as far as Central America and the ______, and stay in the same location year-round.
  7. 11. Ruby-throated Hummingbirds prefer to travel ____ than in flocks.
  8. 12. _____ Terns migrate the longest distance, flying from pole to pole.
  1. 1. Monarchs stay in ___ states during summer
  2. 3. This type of owls migrate during winter.
  3. 4. Butterfly that is part of the Nymphalida family
  4. 6. Eastern ____ are migratory birds.
  5. 9. Arctic tern travel mostly over ____.
  6. 10. Ruby-throated Hummingbirds migrate from as far as Eastern _____.