miguel camarillo puzzle

  1. 2. sea or ocean
  2. 4. a that has little tidal range
  3. 5. a consumer that eats only meat
  4. 7. a cold biome
  5. 8. nonliving
  6. 10. the amount of water in the air
  7. 14. the process in where wind is made
  8. 18. a belt of asteroids in between mars and Jupiter
  9. 19. a small, hot, dense star at the end of it's life
  10. 21. the time it takes a planet to rotate on it's axis
  11. 22. to spin in place
  12. 23. a tool that measures air pressure
  13. 24. a meter that hits earth
  1. 1. a consumer that eats only plants
  2. 2. a object that orbits us
  3. 3. a dry biome that gets little rain
  4. 6. the transfer of heat through waves
  5. 9. living
  6. 11. a tool that measures air temperature
  7. 12. the transfer of heat through touch
  8. 13. the distance that light travels in a year
  9. 15. a tide that has great tidal range
  10. 16. a consumer that eats both plants and meat
  11. 17. a tool that measures air speed
  12. 20. a mixture of gases surrounding a planet
  13. 23. the study of living things