
  1. 2. recaptured jeruslem in 1187
  2. 4. first began to revive Italy
  3. 5. when manufacturing took place in homes rather than a shop or factory
  4. 8. traveling singers
  5. 9. another name for the plague
  6. 12. persuaded a group of French knights to embark on the 4th crusade in 1202
  7. 14. goods and services are exchanged without the use of money
  8. 15. charging of interest on loans
  1. 1. skilled artisan who worked for a master for daily wages
  2. 3. Kingdom of Jerusalem
  3. 6. expeditions to regain the holy land
  4. 7. economy in which land, labor, and capital are controlled by individuals
  5. 10. most profitable trade for medieval merchants
  6. 11. wealth earned, saved, and invested to produce products
  7. 13. is one of the most important commercial cities on the north and baltic seas