Mike's Birthday

  1. 4. Aristotle defined it as: The science of quantity.
  2. 8. Inventor born in 1856 in Smiljan
  3. 10. Happy Birthday in Istanbul
  4. 12. Inventor of PayPal
  5. 13. Where to go on the last Friday of the month?
  6. 16. A very lovely little girl!
  7. 17. The best wife of all!
  8. 18. Happy Birthday in Budapest
  9. 19. Who was the world chess champion the year you were born?
  1. 1. A great place to spend christmas!
  2. 2. Happy Birthday in Bratislava
  3. 3. Happy Birthday in Vienna
  4. 5. A very lovely little boy!
  5. 6. Sport with two rackets and a tiny ball
  6. 7. The most important thing for you!
  7. 9. Happy Birthday in Bukarest
  8. 11. Happy Birthday in Zagreb
  9. 14. How old are you?
  10. 15. Let's all save the ...