
  1. 1. my boobs are this
  2. 2. my favorite kind of shower
  3. 5. flavor of ice cream
  4. 7. shrimp beak beak
  5. 9. the persons humor you have
  6. 12. hot evaporated water
  7. 16. my fav night activity
  8. 18. my client name in jane
  9. 19. class we had together
  1. 1. hello ___ spare some, abbrv.
  2. 3. name of the cat we smuggled
  3. 4. 90 miles to…
  4. 6. size eleven in ____
  5. 8. tallywackerland college
  6. 10. where we were sealed
  7. 11. sport that hurt ur wrist
  8. 13. you want to suck my
  9. 14. brusher your______
  10. 15. you make me feel ____.
  11. 17. there’s a skeeter on ur
  12. 20. cry for help