Milady Chapter 3 Your Professional Image (2)

  1. 3. Be mindful about spills and drips when using chemicals and avoid ? on counters in the work area.
  2. 6. Choose hair pins that are functional, comfortable and stylish. true or false
  3. 8. Politeness is the hallmark of ?, even under pressure.
  4. 9. Invest in supportive and properly fitting ?.
  5. 11. ? be considerate and treat everyone respectfully.
  6. 12. While working, your wardrobe selection should express a professional ? that is consistent with the image of the salon.
  7. 14. A frequent form of communication that can easily be misunderstood is online ?.
  8. 16. Wear shoes that are comfortable, have a low heel and good arch ?.
  9. 17. Proper skin care and ? application can help promote a professional image.
  10. 18. Wear clothing that is clean, fresh and current with fashion. true or false
  1. 1. ? are a great way to relax hands and thoroughly clean nails.
  2. 2. Consider yourself a walking ? and make sure to follow personal grooming habits and to practice professional behavior.
  3. 4. Complement your professional wardrobe with an up-to-date ?.
  4. 5. Being well ? advertises a beauty professional's commitment to the beauty industry.
  5. 7. Applying makeup at your station is ? and advertises that you have poor time management skills.
  6. 10. It is important to keep your ? and color fresh.
  7. 13. A positive ? is one of the foundational principles in developing a professional image.
  8. 15. ? gossip and impolite demeanors can bring an ideal atmosphere to a halt.