Milady Chapter 5 Infection Control: Principles & Practices (2)

  1. 1. An item that is made or constructed of a material that has no pores or openings and cannot absorb liquids.
  2. 3. Capable of destroying fungi.
  3. 6. Self-movement.
  4. 7. Material safety data sheets.
  5. 8. A bloodborne virus that causes disease and can damage the liver.
  6. 10. Any organism of microscopic or submicroscopic size.
  7. 12. Made or constructed of a material that has pores or openings.
  8. 13. the invasion of body tissues by disease-causing pathogens.
  9. 15. Single-cell organisms that grow in irregular masses that include molds, mildews and yeasts; can produce contagious diseases such as ringworm.
  10. 17. Harmful microorganisms that can cause disease or infection in humans when they invade the body.
  11. 18. Porous items are absorbent. true or false
  1. 2. Harmless microorganisms that may perform useful functions and are safe to come in contact with since they do not cause disease or harm.
  2. 4. A condition in which the body reacts to injury, irritation, or infection; characterized by redness, heat, pain and swelling
  3. 5. Organisms that grow, feed and shelter on or in another organism (referred to as the host) while contributing nothing to the survival of that organism.
  4. 9. Caused by or capable of being transmitted by infection.
  5. 11. the ability of the body to destroy and resist infection.
  6. 14. Slender, hair-like extensions used by bacilli and spirilla for locomotion (moving about). Also referred to as cilia.
  7. 16. A type of fungus that affects plants or grows on inanimate objects, but does not cause human infections in the salon.