Miller Middle School Back to School

  1. 4. pe and pbis coach
  2. 5. Assistant principal
  3. 6. major form of school transportation
  4. 8. item that tells the time
  5. 10. Miller's principal
  6. 12. rides on a scooter
  7. 15. Miller's school secretary
  8. 16. traditional writing utensil
  9. 18. students sit hear
  10. 19. follow these
  11. 20. passage
  1. 1. head football coach
  2. 2. fall brings the pigskin
  3. 3. a lot of books are here
  4. 7. Millers mascot
  5. 8. we eat here
  6. 9. Miller's girls will be hitting the diamond
  7. 11. he keeps the building clean and maintained
  8. 13. your hall monitor
  9. 14. be a ____ In Me
  10. 17. it has a keyboard and screen
  11. 18. best part of the school day