- 3. They have to assent each other to give fouls
- 5. Sometimes attainting this is very facile
- 7. When there is a discrepancy this ref helps make decisions
- 10. The benefactor of opponent mistakes
- 11. During this time of games some players are very diffident and make mistakes
- 12. To travel across the ocean to games players embark on this special vehicle
- 14. Men on the sideline who are usually plod and old
- 16. When a player shows dearth energy and effort they are replaced
- 19. You have an unfeigned play style in which you work hard and hustle
- 20. This position requires an indomitable spirit due to the constant falls
- 1. You have to be very truculent and fast to achieve this kind of goal
- 2. They are viewed as Chivalrous due to their responsibility
- 4. Many refs are willing to show clemency on these mistakes
- 6. Whenever fans promote virulent speech towards certain players
- 8. making this move requires a lot of skill and temerity
- 9. You repose in a very cold tub to recover
- 13. Most Altruistic Position in the game
- 15. A pungent sensation or feeling in your body
- 17. Everyone has to be infallible with their positioning or the game will be paused
- 18. You are in Remiss and need time to regain strength post injury