Minds In Motion Crossword Puzzle

  1. 3. The very first changemaker in our story
  2. 4. High, middle, low...these are?
  3. 6. All of the important people we learned about were makers of what?
  4. 7. “everybody ..... step, everybody ..... step!"
  5. 11. Van Lew and Richards were great spies … who did they spy on?
  6. 12. In MIM, you learn to sit and stand like a ...
  7. 13. Standing up for what you believe in takes some of this! (we say this word six times in the finale)
  8. 16. You count to this number before saying, “this is me!”
  9. 17. MIM would be very quiet without them!
  10. 21. The speed of music
  11. 25. Opposite of soggy hands
  12. 27. A lawyer who fought to end “separate but equal”
  13. 30. This team is NOT “extra large”
  14. 33. The first woman to sign her name on a NASA report
  15. 36. Our changemakers are all from this place
  16. 37. These bend and help create levels in dance
  17. 38. A dance step that brings us together as one big ...
  18. 39. She put her community before herself and was the first African-American AND female bank president
  19. 43. If you look in this direction, the audience will only see the top of your head!
  20. 44. This is in motion when you are thinking hard!
  21. 46. In order to get on stage, you must make an _____
  22. 47. You do this in a space or on one foot
  23. 48. Cockacoeske was different… instead of violence and war, she wanted ...
  1. 1. You are frozen in place, with two feet on the ground, and at least one arm up
  2. 2. Dance steps that are linked together create this ...
  3. 5. The last and most exciting dance of a big show!
  4. 8. Saying these will help you remember your dance steps
  5. 9. The number of front homes you do before the end of the finale
  6. 10. If you forget to do this, dancing will be very difficult to do!
  7. 14. Being a strong ___ will help your team do their best
  8. 15. A dance move with “instrumental” influence
  9. 17. An action, movement, or gesture has what?
  10. 18. These rights guarantee equal opportunities and protection under the law, regardless of race, religion, or other personal characteristics
  11. 19. The dancer version of a “try out”, where you perform your best in front of judges
  12. 20. When your back is facing the audience, you are looking ___ stage
  13. 22. The magic number in dance
  14. 23. You should do this when your MIM teacher gives the sign (legs crossed, back tall, hands in your lap)
  15. 24. This happens after a practice round of a game
  16. 26. Dance is what kind of art form?
  17. 27. If you are not on stage, you are …?
  18. 28. It's like your house in MIM...you can be moved out at anytime
  19. 29. This person stepped down from power, when they could’ve ruled as long as they wanted
  20. 31. You do this when your MIM teacher makes a peace sign, and then flips it upside down over the palm of their hand
  21. 32. This! Is! ___!
  22. 34. Two changemakers “cried for ___ , for their country”
  23. 35. Doing this before a pose makes it so much more exciting!
  24. 40. Which side do you always start on?
  25. 41. Something you should do at home or with your teammates at recess! (they say with enough of this, you can make something perfect)
  26. 42. Bibbity bibbity ___
  27. 45. Everyone does this in MIM. Your teaching artists love it!