Mind ~ Scott Team Crossword

  1. 4. shared with teachers
  2. 5. everybody’s working for it
  3. 7. team meeting place
  4. 9. provided by Dave weekly
  5. 11. meeting of similar minds
  6. 13. English as an additional language acronym
  7. 14. the big cheese
  8. 15. student records
  9. 17. animal team mascot
  10. 21. amalgamated schools
  11. 25. team learning topic
  12. 26. library club spot
  13. 27. report writing month
  14. 28. referral organizer
  15. 29. virtual connection tool
  16. 30. Margo’s bi-weekly reminder
  1. 1. central review
  2. 2. universal colour
  3. 3. a trophy
  4. 6. a value
  5. 8. Helen Scott specialty
  6. 10. fiesta themed lunch
  7. 12. district site classroom with new name
  8. 16. care, welfare, safety, security
  9. 18. reimbursement headache
  10. 19. catchment
  11. 20. where we keep all the stuff
  12. 22. location of key staff information
  13. 23. former team member now supervisor
  14. 24. check attendance