
  1. 3. one of the most famous bedwars server
  2. 5. one of the first music discs made
  3. 6. notch's real full name
  4. 8. one of the two (as of 1.19) music discs made by Lena Raine
  5. 10. hardest mob to kill (as of 1.19)
  6. 12. a mode when if you die you cannot respawn
  7. 13. how many music disc shards it takes to make 5
  8. 19. word forms of the three (as of 1.19) music discs that are named a number made in chronological order
  1. 1. one of the rarest naturally spawning mobs (two words)
  2. 2. one of the rarest naturally spawning mobs (three words)
  3. 4. a mode where hostile mobs do not spawn
  4. 5. what minecraft was originally called
  5. 7. full name of the creator of the newest (as of 1.19) music disc
  6. 9. only (as of 1.19) broken music disc
  7. 11. when one or more people try to stop someone from beating the game (killing the ender dragon) by killing them
  8. 14. another one of the two (as of 1.19) music discs made by Lena Raine
  9. 15. me go boom boom
  10. 16. only (as of 1.19) craftable music disc
  11. 17. he had a five year minecraft hardcore series
  12. 18. a dimension that would be gotten to by making a portal out of glowstone and water