
  1. 2. Game that makes you build with blocks
  2. 4. Undead hostile mob
  3. 6. Mooing milk provider
  4. 8. Bouncy cube of goo
  5. 9. Feathered friend that lays eggs
  6. 10. Tool for mining ores
  7. 11. Dangerous three-headed boss
  8. 13. Minecraft's version of electrical wiring
  1. 1. Friendly NPC to trade with
  2. 3. Wear this for protection against attacks
  3. 5. Hard, black block made from cooling lava
  4. 6. Silent explosive monster in Minecraft
  5. 7. A region with varying landscapes in the game
  6. 12. Block that goes boom
  7. 14. Weapon for fighting mobs