
  1. 2. These cute creatures will be your companion, just give'am a bone, they should say yes
  2. 6. This makes combat easy, you can swing and slash to protect yourself
  3. 7. This cute flower is all red, you can make a cute red dye
  4. 8. used to make torches
  5. 10. Something that worms like to be in
  6. 11. With these dazzling things, you can set the sky with a BANG! Full of colors and wonder as they go off all over
  7. 12. What keeps the doctor away? (A ____ a day keeps the doctor away)
  8. 13. These is pretty new, just in the last update, its fine if you don't know, but these amazing colorful blocks can be found in the sea, just don't bring them out unless you want to see them die
  1. 1. This is important indeed, if you wanna stay all cozy and warm, you can stay here, away from mobs, where you can also rest your little head
  2. 3. They are cute little creatures, they make travel easy, but watch out for their spit!
  3. 4. Simple mobs, they lurk in the night, all green and creepy
  4. 5. If you wanna travel the water this transportation is the thing for you
  5. 8. A yummy sweet that is round and tasty
  6. 9. bacon.... what does it come from again?
  7. 12. With it on, you get more protection, with the full set of hat boots etc.