
  1. 1. this type of click will punch and destroy blocks
  2. 4. an exploding creature that sneaks up on players
  3. 7. boss dragon that dwells on the main island in "The End"
  4. 8. players have to gather natural resources in this mode
  5. 10. a creature with the ability to teleport as well as pick up and place blocks
  6. 11. common light source
  7. 14. mode where players have unlimited resources
  1. 2. direction moved by pressing “w”
  2. 3. direction moved by pressing “a”
  3. 4. a more powerful version of a creeper
  4. 5. players have access to all resources and items in the game through this menu
  5. 6. the game world is composed of 3D objects commonly called this
  6. 9. Minecraft was written in this programming language
  7. 12. live creation of a new character
  8. 13. key to press to crouch down an sneak