
  1. 2. the developers
  2. 4. very shy skinny bois
  3. 6. a tool that everyone uses
  4. 7. KABOOM
  5. 9. a nice survival world with lots of people
  6. 12. most players main weapon
  7. 14. the ultimate soundtrack
  8. 16. "What is this red witchcraft?!"
  9. 17. roasty toasty
  10. 19. nice crossbow u got there
  1. 1. "pesky bird"
  2. 3. 3 skulls, 4 soulsand
  3. 5. the creator
  4. 8. people who worship tnt and steals ure diamonds
  5. 10. hmmmm. looks like the moon
  6. 11. Notch's failed experiment to make a pig
  7. 13. a valuable mineral that are needed
  8. 15. a legend with a pick, most feared
  9. 18. Hard to get, hard to repair, but fun to fly with