
  1. 2. Where you spawn/what you use to plant a crop.
  2. 4. Toughest material to make tools/armor out of.
  3. 5. Trying to pass the game as fast as you can.
  4. 7. If you give a ___ a bone it is tamed.
  5. 10. You can find these in a desert and a jungle.
  6. 11. This creature in the End has to be killed to win.
  7. 12. A place that you can go to get supplies.
  8. 13. Game mode where the world is deleted if you die.
  9. 16. ___ boxes can keep its contents after being broken.
  1. 1. A ___ portal is made with obsidian and fire.
  2. 2. Default male character.
  3. 3. A brewing stand makes this.
  4. 6. A zombie that has been in the water for too long.
  5. 8. An exploding mob that can survive the day.
  6. 9. Type of terrain that you are in.
  7. 14. Default female character.
  8. 15. Coal can be used as a fuel in this.