
  1. 2. Where you spawn/what you use to plant a crop.
  2. 4. You can find these in a desert and a jungle.
  3. 5. Trying to pass the game as fast as you can.
  4. 7. Default female character.
  5. 10. Type of terrain that you are in.
  6. 11. A ___ portal is made with obsidian and fire.
  7. 13. An exploding mob that can survive the day.
  8. 14. A zombie that has been in the water for too long.
  9. 15. A brewing stand makes this.
  10. 16. A place that you can go to get supplies.
  1. 1. Default male character.
  2. 2. ___ boxes can keep its contents after being broken.
  3. 3. Coal can be used as a fuel in this.
  4. 6. Toughest material to make tools/armor out of.
  5. 8. If you give a ___ a bone it is tamed.
  6. 9. This creature in the End has to be killed to win.
  7. 12. Game mode where the world is deleted if you die.