Minecraft Food Items

  1. 4. extra health recovery as well as nourishing the hunger bar for the player
  2. 6. this food is dropped from zombies, and gives hunger effect to the player
  3. 8. this food gives the player four hunger bars
  4. 9. amazing for the player in minecraft.. not so much for real life
  5. 11. doesn't replenish hunger bars, but removes the current effect the player is in
  6. 12. teleports the player eating it up to eight blocks in any direction
  1. 1. what you acquire from cooking regular potato in a furnace;a decent food item that gives around 3 hunger bars
  2. 2. one of the most common food item to find in water
  3. 3. falls from trees once the tree is chopped
  4. 5. crafted from three pieces of wheat
  5. 7. replenishes a maximum of two hunger points, found in forests
  6. 10. harmful to eat and poisonous