Minecraft vocabulary

  1. 5. A creature that comes close to players and can explode. Watch out!
  2. 8. The last big boss in Minecraft. You find it in a special place, and beating it means you finished the game!
  3. 9. A dangerous place in Minecraft you can go to through a portal. It has unique things but be careful!
  4. 10. Making your tools and things stronger with magical powers. It's like giving them special abilities!
  5. 13. A super-strong weapon made from di----.
  6. 14. Another way to play where you can build whatever you want with unlimited stuff. It's like a digital playground!
  1. 1. One way to play Minecraft where you need to find things to stay alive. It's like a virtual adventure!
  2. 2. A special material that can carry power. It's like Minecraft electricity!
  3. 3. The main character you play in Minecraft, like your virtual self
  4. 4. Different areas in Minecraft with special land, plants, and weather. Each one is like its own little world.
  5. 6. A tall, skinny creature in Minecraft. It's okay until you look at its eyes; then it might get mad!
  6. 7. A bad guy in Minecraft. They come out when it's dark, so be ready to fight them!
  7. 11. Putting materials together in the game to create tools, items, and other things you need.
  8. 12. Something you use to build in the game. Like virtual building bl---!