
  1. 1. Always explode when we go near at survival
  2. 3. This mob can stand above lava
  3. 7. You need this and saddle to sit and control strider
  4. 8. How many dimention of Minecraft
  5. 9. This animal when it colour red always been changed become blue by vindicator
  6. 10. Final boss in minecraft
  7. 12. This food is from zombie
  8. 15. You can breed this animal by golden apple
  9. 17. This mob is one of the mob that from outpost
  10. 19. Strongest armour
  11. 20. Creater of Minecraft
  1. 2. Always bring grass block or dirt block
  2. 4. Never attack creeper
  3. 5. Always attacked by zombie
  4. 6. Live in Swamp Hut
  5. 11. This food also poisonous without cooked
  6. 13. This mob is afraid of crimson fungus
  7. 14. Enemy of dog
  8. 16. Piglin is afraid of this
  9. 18. Likes gold