Mini assessment: Hormones

  1. 3. Organ where glycogen is stored.
  2. 9. In type I diabetes, patients cannot make their own _____.
  3. 10. Place where follicle-stimulation hormone is secreted from.
  4. 12. Location where the egg matures.
  5. 13. This inhibits FSH to prevent more than one egg being matured.
  6. 14. Type II diabetes is linked to _____.
  1. 1. Process where the egg is released on day 14.
  2. 2. The _____ cycle lasts for 28 days.
  3. 3. This hormone peaks in the middle of the cycle.
  4. 4. When blood vessels supplying the capillaries near the skin begin to widen.
  5. 5. This maintains the uterus lining.
  6. 6. Organ which releases the hormones involved in glucose regulation.
  7. 7. The purpose of vasoconstriction is to reduce _____ _____.
  8. 8. Hormone that makes the liver change glycogen into glucose.
  9. 11. Made from water, salt & urea; released to reduce the temperature.