MiniMed 670G

  1. 3. The Model and Serial number are on the _____ of the 670G pump.
  2. 5. Medtronic Diabetes 24-hour helpline telephone number is located on the _____ of the pump.
  3. 8. Any adjustments to the dosage would need _______ by a healthcare provider.
  4. 9. Pump is powered by ____ battery.
  5. 11. Materials used should be disposed of in a _____ container
  6. 12. Safe basal delivers automated basal insulin but does not _______ based on sensor values.
  7. 13. Low limit alert will sound off when glucose is at or below target __________
  8. 15. Blood Glucose
  1. 1. Continuous Glucose Monitoring
  2. 2. Only one _______ feature can be used at a time.
  3. 4. ____ mode delivers automated basal insulin.
  4. 6. 3 parts to CGM: sensor, pump, and _______.
  5. 7. _______ insulin is a small dosage given throughout the day.
  6. 10. _____ glucose is the reading transmitted every 5 minutes.
  7. 14. ____-limit alert will sound off when glucose is at or above target threshold.