Minitest Feedback

  1. 2. This hormone is made in the adrenaline glands
  2. 4. These detect a change in the environment such as a hot object
  3. 7. This hormone makes the uterus lining thicken
  4. 8. A condition in which people struggle to control their blood glucose
  5. 11. This hormone is involved in male puberty
  6. 12. This hormone keeps the uterus lining thick
  1. 1. Oestrogen and progesterone are made here
  2. 3. This hormone causes blood glucose to decrease
  3. 5. On which day of the menstrual cycle is an egg released
  4. 6. This organ detects changes in blood glucose
  5. 9. Electrical impulses travel from receptors to the spinal cord along _________ neurones
  6. 10. A change in the environment is called a