Minnesota State Symbols

  1. 3. What is Minnesota's state sport.
  2. 5. What is Minnesota's state flower.
  3. 6. What is Minnesota's state muffin.
  4. 7. What liquid comes out of a cow and is Minnesota's state drink.
  5. 9. What is Minnesota's state fruit (hint-It starts with Honey.)
  6. 10. What Minnesota state fish is a thrill to catch.
  7. 13. What is Minnesota's state photo.
  8. 14. By which great lake would you find Minnesota's state gemstone.
  1. 1. What Minnesota state bird fly's south-eastern for winter.
  2. 2. What is Minnesota's state tree.
  3. 4. What is Minnesota's state song (hint-It has the word hail at the beginning)
  4. 8. What is Minnesota's state grain.
  5. 11. What butterfly flys to Mexico during winter.
  6. 12. What mushroom is also known as a honeycomb mushroom.