Minor Religions

  1. 2. There are over 80 _______ spirits in Japan according to Shintoism
  2. 7. can practice paganism alone or with a
  3. 9. this religion has no founder
  4. 10. many people who practice Shintoism also practice
  5. 11. The shortened form of Jesus Christ of Lader Day Saints
  6. 12. based on Norse mythology
  7. 13. shinto gods/spirits are called
  1. 1. Founder of Mormonism
  2. 3. an umbrella term for many different religions
  3. 4. Mormons belive the holy trinity is
  4. 5. Pagan religion based on Greek mythology
  5. 6. Shintoism is the traditional religion of
  6. 7. Mormons consider themselves this
  7. 8. pagan religion based on pre-Christain/Celtic religions