Miranda v Arizona/ Gideon v Wainwright

  1. 2. “in all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right . . . to have the assistance of counsel for his defense
  2. 7. a lawyer can __ a suspect about what to say and what not to say during the questioning
  3. 8. a person involved in a criminal case cannot be forced to be a witness against himself
  4. 9. He was charged with ___ into a pool
  1. 1. The right to a lawyer
  2. 3. He was placed into this room for two hours
  3. 4. These are lawyers employed by the state to represent these criminal defendants
  4. 5. the form of confession made by Miranda
  5. 6. A police officer must read this to you before questioning or nothing you say can be admissible.
  6. 8. The constitution is this form of document