Miscellaneous: Body Systems and Homeostasis

  1. 4. breaks down the chemical bonds in food
  2. 11. a time where internal, physical, and chemical conditions are maintained
  3. 14. produces offspring
  4. 15. known as the bodies ¨chemical messenger¨
  5. 16. located in muscle,skin,and fat
  6. 18. fibers contracting for movement
  7. 19. made of cells that can contract
  8. 20. transforms food into energy
  1. 1. moves blood form the heart to other organs
  2. 2. make hormones
  3. 3. the ¨frame work¨ of our bodies
  4. 5. consist of a single muscle cell
  5. 6. removes waste form the body
  6. 7. transports blood away and to the heart
  7. 8. controls our every movement
  8. 9. a process to maintain stability
  9. 10. consist of glands and organs
  10. 12. moves blood form organs to the heart
  11. 13. physically breaks down the food
  12. 17. gas exchange of oxygen and carbon