Miss Tamika's Crazy Crossword: Superheroes #2

  1. 3. Froot Loop's name for his missions is....
  2. 4. Leech's enemy is a ....
  3. 5. Batpoison's superpower.
  4. 6. Leech's hairstyle.
  5. 8. Harlor's special magic hammer colour is...
  6. 10. Fireman can burn down....
  7. 11. Hamburger Man's enemy is...
  8. 12. When Jason White is a superhero, he throws...
  9. 13. Harlor's civilian name.
  10. 14. Knock's worst enemy is...
  11. 15. The colour of Lady Nature's flower in her hair.
  12. 17. Hamburger Man's civilian name is...
  13. 18. Batpoison's enemy.
  14. 20. Batpoison's hair colour.
  15. 21. Leech fights against the....
  16. 22. Hamburger Man's armor is made of ...
  17. 25. Jason White's superhero name.
  18. 27. Iron Hulk's civilian name.
  19. 29. Lady Nature petals are used as a ....
  20. 30. Captain Vegetable throws...
  21. 32. Kris' evil name is ....
  22. 34. Captain Vegetable's helmet is made of an...
  1. 1. A sport that Harlor practices.
  2. 2. Knock's team name is ...
  3. 4. Froot Loops can .....the damage done to his skin.
  4. 7. Krash wears...
  5. 9. Leech's superpower.
  6. 10. Captain Vegetable's leg armor is made of...
  7. 16. Krash's enemy is...
  8. 19. Froot Loops' outfit has a ...
  9. 23. Iceshot's strongest attack.
  10. 24. Iceshot's enemy.
  11. 26. Lady Nature can breath a ....
  12. 28. When Jason White is a superhero,the colour of his eyes.
  13. 31. Knock has a powerful...
  14. 33. Froot Loops face turns into a ....