Mistress of Mellyn by Victoria Holt - Crossword

  1. 4. - of or relating to a tomb
  2. 5. - a low, much-branched spiny leguminous shrub
  3. 9. - haughtiness in bearing and attitude, arrogance
  4. 10. - neighbor's house name
  5. 12. - the territory ruled by a duke or duchess, a dukedom
  6. 14. - House manager's last name
  7. 15. - Master of the House
  8. 16. - gladly
  9. 18. - small cloth placed over the back and the arms of chairs to prevent soiling of the furniture
  10. 19. - the residence of a vicar
  11. 20. - An English toast to good health
  12. 21. - talkativeness, loquacious,
  13. 22. - a type of habitat found in upland areas, temperate grasslands, savannas and shrublands.
  1. 1. - mosaic-like pattern, but in a checkerboard pattern
  2. 2. - Hat with big brim, tall rounded top
  3. 3. - male nymph, a lascivious man; lecher
  4. 5. - poorly ventilated space or an area with a stuffy atmosphere,
  5. 6. - inclined towards silence, reserved in speech,
  6. 7. - The pesty neighbor
  7. 8. - left a trail of bastards wherever he went
  8. 11. - Martha's sister
  9. 13. - dressed in a careless manner, disheveled, but can also be a garment like a loose morning dress,
  10. 14. - female peacock
  11. 17. - Martha's sir name