- 1. Middle of the cell.
- 6. Paired chromatin that are made of DNA.
- 8. Phase of interphase where the cell grows.
- 9. 2n, 2 copies of each kind of chromosome.
- 12. Chromosomes line up on the equator.
- 14. Original cell that divides
- 16. Forms during telophase in a plant cell.
- 17. Allows sister chromatids to connect.
- 19. Longest phase of the cell cycle.
- 20. Chromatin thickens, nucleus breaks down
- 21. Division of the cytoplasm.
- 22. Decondensed DNA & protein in interphase.
- 2. Sister chromatids separate to the poles.
- 3. Condensed structure of DNA and proteins.
- 4. a body cell.
- 5. Type of reproduction during mitosis
- 7. Attach at centromere, move chromosomes
- 9. Produced by a parent cell dividing.
- 10. Sides of the cell.
- 11. Phase of interphase, DNA replicates
- 13. n,the number of different chromosomes
- 15. Chromosomes decondense,nucleus reappear
- 18. Pinching in of an animal cell membrane.