Mitosis Puzzle

  1. 1. Middle of the cell.
  2. 6. Paired chromatin that are made of DNA.
  3. 8. Phase of interphase where the cell grows.
  4. 9. 2n, 2 copies of each kind of chromosome.
  5. 12. Chromosomes line up on the equator.
  6. 14. Original cell that divides
  7. 16. Forms during telophase in a plant cell.
  8. 17. Allows sister chromatids to connect.
  9. 19. Longest phase of the cell cycle.
  10. 20. Chromatin thickens, nucleus breaks down
  11. 21. Division of the cytoplasm.
  12. 22. Decondensed DNA & protein in interphase.
  1. 2. Sister chromatids separate to the poles.
  2. 3. Condensed structure of DNA and proteins.
  3. 4. a body cell.
  4. 5. Type of reproduction during mitosis
  5. 7. Attach at centromere, move chromosomes
  6. 9. Produced by a parent cell dividing.
  7. 10. Sides of the cell.
  8. 11. Phase of interphase, DNA replicates
  9. 13. n,the number of different chromosomes
  10. 15. Chromosomes decondense,nucleus reappear
  11. 18. Pinching in of an animal cell membrane.