mixed words

  1. 4. A structure with a roof supported by columns, at the entrance of a building.
  2. 5. A structure projecting from a sloped roof, usually containing a window.
  3. 7. A long, straight board along the lower edge of a roof.
  4. 9. The ledge or shelf at the base of a window.
  5. 10. A tall tower on a building, often topped with a spire.
  6. 12. A window installed in a roof.
  7. 13. A curved structure that serves as a passageway.
  1. 1. A covered entrance to a building or house.
  2. 2. A channel fixed under the edge of a roof to collect and carry away rainwater.
  3. 3. The lowest load-bearing part of a building, usually below ground level.
  4. 6. The triangular part of a wall between the edges of a dual-pitched roof.
  5. 7. A decorative horizontal band running across a wall or building.
  6. 8. A pipe for carrying rainwater from a roof gutter to the ground or drain.
  7. 11. A tall vertical structure used to support a building and as decoration.