MLQ1 Review - Charger Social Studies

  1. 2. people who move from place to place, like hunter-gatherers
  2. 6. The New Stone Age; the time of agriculture
  3. 7. In the Neolithic Age, people began to ________, or have different jobs.
  4. 8. a tool that increased the amount of land available for farming
  5. 10. The Old Stone Age; the time of hunter-gatherers
  6. 11. The _______ climate zone is located between 23 degrees N and 23 degrees S latitude.
  7. 14. imaginary lines that measure the distance between any place and the Equator
  8. 15. temperatures near this major line of latitude are very warm
  1. 1. a tool used to make fires
  2. 3. vertical line at 0 degrees longitude
  3. 4. A __________ boundary is a man-made border between 2 countries or states.
  4. 5. Early people made _________ to the earth, such as irrigation and terrace farming, to make it easier to farm.
  5. 7. In the Neolithic Age, farming caused people to have _______ food, or more than they needed.
  6. 9. imaginary lines that measure the distance between any place and the Prime Meridian
  7. 12. When the ________ ended, the Earth's climate warmed up and allowed people to start to farm.
  8. 13. boundaries such as rivers, oceans, deserts, or mountain ranges