MNT 407

  1. 4. long-term complication of diabetes
  2. 6. study of cancer
  3. 8. a primary concern in COPD
  4. 12. deficiency of in type I DM
  5. 14. sticky cells that line blood vessels in early atherosclerosis
  6. 15. rebound hyperglycemia
  7. 18. short-term complication of diabetes
  8. 19. long-term complication of DM
  9. 22. characteristic of type II DM
  10. 25. compound activated by renin
  11. 26. excessive CO2 in the blood
  12. 30. agent that induces cancer
  13. 31. risk factor for CHD
  14. 34. hypertension
  15. 36. form of cancer treatment
  16. 38. excessive production of this in CF
  17. 39. glycosylated hemoglobin
  1. 1. spreading of cancer to other tissues and organs
  2. 2. BP of 120-139/80-89
  3. 3. excessive thirst
  4. 5. equals 43 mEq of sodium
  5. 7. long-term nutritional concern in cardiac transplantation
  6. 9. component of cardiac remodeling that delays HF
  7. 10. chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
  8. 11. risk factor for HTN
  9. 13. restriction of this nutrient often needed in COPD
  10. 16. form of COPD
  11. 17. excessive urination
  12. 20. Dr. B's favorite coffee shop
  13. 21. Brenda's favorite Nutr 407 class (and a MNT tool used for DM)
  14. 23. disease of bronchial hyper-responsiveness and airway inflammation
  15. 24. risk factor for type II DM
  16. 27. hormone that opposes insulin action
  17. 28. condition of LBM wasting in heart failure
  18. 29. primary symptom of diabetes
  19. 32. low intakes of this nutrient increase the risk of HTN
  20. 33. nutritional concern in cystic fibrosis
  21. 35. shortness of breath
  22. 37. compound involved in the control of BP