Mobile Application development

  1. 5. ________ are used most commonly to manage the layout of child Views.
  2. 6. ________is an extension of ProgressBar control with a draggable thumb.
  3. 7. _______will ensure that the users will select a valid date.
  4. 9. ______designed to block out an area on the screen to display a single item.
  5. 11. ___are the base class for all visual interface elements.
  6. 12. The user interface in android app is made with a collection of View and______ objects.
  1. 1. The ViewGroup will provide an ________containers to hold other Views.
  2. 2. ________used to define the user interface for an app or activity.
  3. 3. Fragments, introduced in___________.
  4. 4. _____to fill the data into adapter views.
  5. 8. Views commonly known as_______ or widgets.
  6. 10. Activities represent the ________ or screen being displayed.