mobile legends

  1. 1. an action in which 1 or more teammates will come to flank/ambush an enemy or enemies, most commonly in the laning phase
  2. 5. to aquire the most gold and xp from minions you want to ___ them
  3. 8. stat that reduces cc duration
  4. 10. this hero can jump on walls
  5. 11. ___ lane is where all laning marksmen or item dependent heroes should go
  6. 12. an action in which one side will come to contest the other team's jungler's buff, most commonly in the early game
  7. 13. ___ damage is damage that cannot be reduced by any kind of damage reduction or defence
  8. 15. the type of cc that cannot be purified
  9. 16. this mage can shapeshift with her ultimate which is available from level 1
  10. 17. the type of turret closest to the base
  11. 18. hero that counters all heroes that use shields
  12. 19. neutral objective that enhances minions and spawns a version of itself to push the weakest lane after killed
  1. 2. tank that can cancel dashes
  2. 3. the third talent on assassin emblem, and the most common emblem for physical damage junglers
  3. 4. ___ shop is the first talent on mage emblem that allows you to buy items for 10% off
  4. 6. neutral objective providing gold to a team and a shield to the killer
  5. 7. jungle creep in the river that provides vision when killed
  6. 9. essential item for all heroes that use spell vamp
  7. 12. mage item that slows
  8. 14. something you should always buy to counter healing/sustaining heroes