Mobile OS

  1. 2. In most cases, creating a ... image with an HTML editor is no more complicated than choosing to insert an image file into a webpage, then clicking on a few dialog boxes to create the small image from the original.
  2. 3. When a running program crashed, all of the data was printed out on paper to help with ...
  3. 5. The most popular browser plugins are usually those created to block advertisements, help the user download or manage music, or ... a website.
  4. 8. Illegal ... involves the digital transfer of copyrighted material to unauthorized users.
  5. 10. It is impossible to actually touch and feel holograms, but the use of a sensor array and ... technology can provide the illusion of touch.
  6. 12. An antiviral ... is a package of programs, designed to help computer users avoid computer viruses and other types of malicious software.
  7. 13. Laptops are commonly equipped with ...s, and many drawing tablets use the same technology.
  8. 15. A ... phone can be used to do things like check email, send messages, access news and sports headlines, or download music.
  9. 16. A ... is a pen-shaped device used to interact with the touch screen of a device.
  10. 17. The sense of ... resources, things to say as yet unsaid, made the hour significant.
  1. 1. They were effective politicians, ... in their pursuit of political power.
  2. 4. On shore, I could see the ... of the great camp-fire burning warmly through the shore-side trees.
  3. 6. Audio ... programs can be quite simple, though most DJs prefer more complicated programs that allow them to create and organize playlists.
  4. 7. The number of people living in the immediate ... was small.
  5. 9. If the computer finds a Live CD in the drive, it will ... to that system rather than the installed OS.
  6. 11. A Web ... is a software program that interprets the coding language of the World Wide Web in graphic form.
  7. 14. We both kept ourselves to prove that it wasn't all a dream.
  8. 16. To ... down the balusters (перила) in a railway-train is a thing to make one's flesh creep.