Mobile Phones in School

  1. 2. to refuse to allow something
  2. 5. cause a change in someone or something:
  3. 7. prevents someone from giving their attention to something else:
  4. 10. meet and spend time with other people
  5. 11. to stop something from happening
  6. 12. something dangerous or serious
  7. 13. to forbid refuse to allow something
  8. 14. to behave in a dishonest way in order to get what you want:
  9. 15. take something without the permission
  1. 1. unable to stop doing something as a habit:
  2. 3. harmed or spoiled:
  3. 4. to take a possession away from someone
  4. 6. to prevent something from happening
  5. 8. sending someone a text message by phone:
  6. 9. to use something too often or too much:
  7. 10. in a way that people do not know or are not told about.